El traspaso de las islas Orcadas a la marina argentina
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Centro de Estudios Hemisféricos y Polares
Desde la segunda mitad de la década del 40 la República Argentina intensificó sus actividades en el sector antártico y cada una de sus dependencias comenzó a tener un gran valor estratégico y militar. El Observatorio de las Islas Orcadas pertenecía desde 1904 al Ministerio de Agricultura y más tarde a la Oficina de Asuntos Técnicos, pero, a diferencia de los destacamentos de Decepción y Melchior, no era ocupado por personal militar, quedando el sector oriental de la península antártica indefenso ante cualquier intromisión armada extranjera. Ante esto el gobierno argentino decidió el traspaso del observatorio de Asuntos Técnicos a la Marina de Guerra, pero se generó ante ambos organismos problemas presupuestarios que demoraron la toma formal del observatorio por parte del personal militar. Este trabajo es parte de la ponencia presentada en la XVII RAPAL y X Reunión de Historiadores Antárticos Iberoamericanos realizado en el Palacio San Martín, Buenos Aires, octubre 2008.
Since the second half of the 40s in Argentina increased its activities in the Antarctic and each of its units began to have a great strategic and military. The Orkney Observatory since 1904 belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture and later the Office of Technical Affairs, but, unlike the detachments of Deception and Melchior, it was´t occupied by military personnel, leaving the eastern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula defense against any foreign armed interference. In response, the Argentine government decided to transfer the observatory of Technical Affairs for the Navy, but was generated at both agencies budget problems delayed the formal making of the observatory by the military.
Since the second half of the 40s in Argentina increased its activities in the Antarctic and each of its units began to have a great strategic and military. The Orkney Observatory since 1904 belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture and later the Office of Technical Affairs, but, unlike the detachments of Deception and Melchior, it was´t occupied by military personnel, leaving the eastern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula defense against any foreign armed interference. In response, the Argentine government decided to transfer the observatory of Technical Affairs for the Navy, but was generated at both agencies budget problems delayed the formal making of the observatory by the military.
Fecha de recepción: 9 febrero 2010 - Fecha de aceptación: 13 marzo 2010
Actividad humana, Información institucional, Antártica - Argentina, Destacamentos navales, Islas Orcadas, Marina de guerra
Volumen 1 Nº 2 (Segundo Trimestre, 2010): 69-78.