Estudios ecológicos en Isla Robert (Shetland del Sur) 2. Distribución altitudinal de los artropodos terrestres
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Instituto Antártico Chileno
En la isla Robert (Shetland del Sur) se realizaron recolecciones cuantitativas de Artrópodos terrestres, extraídos mediante embudos de Berlese-Tullgren. La zona estudiada fue el cerro Triplet (140 m) y algunos lugares planos de la isla. La diversidad específica, expresada en bits por individuo, es en general más alta en el cerro que en las zonas bajas. En cuanto a la densidad, expresada en individuos por 1000 cc, ésta disminuye hacia las partes superior es del cerro.
On Robert Island (South Shetland) quantitative samplings of terrestrial Arthropods were carried out, being the material extracted by Berlese-Tullgren funnels. The studied zone was Triplet Hill (140 m) and some low areas in the island. Specific diversity (expressed in bits per individual) is generally higher on the hill than on lower parts. Density (expressed in number of individuals per 1000 cc ) decreases toward the top of the hill.
On Robert Island (South Shetland) quantitative samplings of terrestrial Arthropods were carried out, being the material extracted by Berlese-Tullgren funnels. The studied zone was Triplet Hill (140 m) and some low areas in the island. Specific diversity (expressed in bits per individual) is generally higher on the hill than on lower parts. Density (expressed in number of individuals per 1000 cc ) decreases toward the top of the hill.
Ciencia, Artrópodos terrestres
Publicaciones del Instituto Antártico Chileno, N°15, 1968.